Ricky “Filthy Hooker” Has Only Gone And Done It!
Ricky Hits The 30 Club!
This fish right here means so much to me..as a lot of you know I’ve been searching for my first 30 for a long time, even skipped it and had a 40 instead, but now I can finally say I’m in the 30s club haha! And I’ve always said it would mean so much more if my first 30 could be from @crowsheathlakes where my carp journey begun! Absolutely buzzing. Beyond words. So so happy. This absolute beaut of a common came in at 32lb04oz and I couldn’t be more happy! What a fish. What a creature. Thank you fishing gods, you’ve made my year already!

New Arrivals At Crowsheath
Ricky Gets Restocking
We introduced 40 new C3 stunners to the Crowsheath Complex, with a further 50-60 C5 bangers already in the complex! There’s a massive buzz around the lakes and we are all very excited to share this journey with everyone. The future is very very bright here at crowsheath lakes – stay tuned and make sure you visit for a session soon.
Membership Now Open!
We are pleased to announce that our membership program is now open for Spring/Summer.
For further details please do drop us an email or please do give us a call on the number below
Click me!
Always Learning!
Stunning immaculate mirror out for Ben this morning in peg 12 Ben comes over with some other students from Gable Hall School to learn about fishery management and also to learn how to catch fish, which by the looks of it, he is picking it up well! Well done mate. Good angling

New PB & In The 20s Club
Welcome to the 20s club young @lewy_bish – landing this beaut of a mirror at 20lb on the nose! Good angling young man

New Member Banking
New member Caesar with one of the new arrivals yesterday Well in mate, and welcome to the team

Photo Album Worthy?
We get a lot of Solo anglers over here that always say they wasn’t able to get a photo done.. please don’t hesitate to give us a call and a Bailiff will come over and get a photo for you. It’s no stress at all. We are happy to help. We are all experienced in DSLR Cameras as well as all phones & will ensure your catch is one to look back on but as well launch it on our Social Media Accounts.

Welsh International Carp Angler At Crowsheath?
Carp Team Wales – International Angler On English Waters?
This is very much the case. Gareth from Brecon in South Wales has been fishing Crowsheath for some 6yrs and had been selected to join the Carp Team Wales camp for International Competitions back in 2019. With Crowsheath being the first Essex water he stepped onto to pursue his ambition.
Blog Coming Soon